Letter to Editor – Published August 10, 2019
Erin Ballard, consumer and enterprise reporter for the Aberdeen American News, provided a beautifully written story about a very special Aberdeen couple and the K.O. Lee Adult Day Health Center team who are helping them through an unexpected Alzheimer’s journey.
Erin wrote in the July 26 article, “Jim and Kathy, both 69, have been married for 49 years. Jim spent hundreds of hours and traveled thousands of miles searching for a cure to Alzheimer’s that he ultimately never found. That’s when his doctor recommended the adult day health center, so he could have some relief in caregiving while maintaining a sense of normalcy for his wife and himself.”
Together, Erin’s words and John Davis’ endearing photos captured Jim’s unwavering love for his wife, his heartache over an unfair disease and his complete trust and appreciation for the care team at the K.O. Lee Adult Day Health Center at Bethesda.
Aberdeen and the surrounding region are fortunate to have an Adult Day Health Center to provide this type of care. However, due to the uniqueness of this program, many families are simply unfamiliar with this opportunity specifically designed to keep loved ones in their home environment longer.
“When you get married, you say four words. For better or worse. And it’s really hard (sometimes),” Jim said in the story. As hard as it is to see his wife struggle, Jim couldn’t be more grateful for the care she’s received under Director Charity Pionk and the team at K.O. Lee Adult Day Health Center. It’s allowed him to keep the promise he made nearly five decades ago.
Thank you Erin, John and the Aberdeen American News for sharing a message that will help countless others.
Howard Swenson
Board President, Bethesda Aberdeen